The sky is beginning to lighten up a little


  1. Anonymous24/4/17

    Happy for you that the sky is lighter, and there is some blue in the sky! Love the frosty look and the peaceful water reflections and sharing the change in weather with All Seasons! Wishing you a beautiful week!

  2. Your skies are starting to open, while ours are always wide open that we wish some clouds must appear to let us have some barrier to the heat.

  3. Such a moving image! Love the contrast between the sky & the landscape below. The frost on the ground is magical!

  4. nice, but it still looks very cold there brrrr

  5. Beautiful composed landscape shot ~ lovely colors ~ thanks,

    Wishing you a Happy Week ~ ^_^

  6. What a lovely sky! Nice composition here. So glad you stopped by at to share.

  7. What beautiful photo and love the blue colors in that sky. Always seems better when the days are brighter. We are beginning to have more sunshine days here is Ohio USA also. Spring time is beginning for us.

    Peabea@Peabea Scribbles

  8. Pretty scene and colors, lovely landscape and sky! Have a good day and weekend ahead!

  9. Wow! Love the composition

  10. Wonderful, multi-layered image of this landscape. The composition, color, lighting and leading lines are perfect. Kudos!!

  11. Profesjonalnie wykonane i piękne zdjęcia przyrody. Bardzo mi się podobają. Pozdrawiam.


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